Archiving with contentACCESS

We have recently released the new version of contentACCESS, 3.7, with a lot of improvements and new features. We see archiving as something much more than simply storing some data for a longer period of time – that’s why we are providing our customers with lots of handy end-user tools that can significantly increase productivity. On the other hand, we keep setting up a safe and secure archive simple and effective.          

Archiving as easy as can be

Archiving shouldn’t be a complicated process and demanding technology. From this perspective, you will appreciate the simple deployment of the system and the ability to configure archiving from various sources. For each resource or group of users, you can then set rules and rights, so that contentACCESS will ensure a secure data storage and lifecycle by type and importance. On the other hand, it is still necessary to continuously work with the data. Thanks to its architecture, contentACCESS enables very fast and accurate search.

What does archiving mean?

The volume of processed data grows with time. These are emails, PDFs, Word files, Excel and other types of documents that can contain important information. The biggest challenge is to find the right way to sort, secure, and preserve these data for future needs. However, it is often necessary to work with these old data and extract the information contained in them, make it available to the user or search for data within the GDPR. contentACCESS can help your partners and customers not only with these, but also with other requirements to make work a lot easier. Read more…

What we are dealing with:

  • Central archive for different types and data sources
  • Full-text search
  • Reducing data volume and relieving production systems
  • Secure and auditable access to data
  • Centralized document lifecycle management
  • Data migration between systems
  • Cloud Data Safe (Microsoft 365 and other)
  • GDPR Search Tool
  • User tools for MS Outlook and mobile devices


Upgrade your legacy archive!

Are you thinking about replacing your archive with a brand-new solution? Is your legacy archive not able to keep up with the new requirements of a modern email archive? Thanks to our experience gathered in the last two decades, we can easily upgrade more than 25 legacy archive systems to contentACCESS. There is zero downtime for the end users. Simply connect your brand new contentACCESS Email Archive to your legacy data, and enjoy the benefits of modern, cutting-edge archiving technology. Read more…

Does this sound interesting to you? Do not hesitate to contact us for a demo!