Cybersecurity in the Cloud

The adoption of the Cloud continues to grow. Gartner has found that 94% of organizations agree that public cloud is a crucial part of their digital business initiatives. While this migration has brought many benefits, cybersecurity in the Cloud has lagged behind.

While Cloud providers such as AWS or Azure provide a layer of data backup, the Cloud is built on a notion of shared responsibility. Too many organizations are currently relying entirely on their Cloud provider (who generally follow the triplicate standard for data security) to act as their backstop in the case of issues. There is an assumption that organizations will handle a layer of data security and application level security on their end.

Meanwhile, current cybersecurity operating models and skillsets are designed primarily for on-premises, not Cloud. The industry as a whole has not yet finished adapting to the new Cloud environment and the unique threats it introduces.

Threats continue to escalate

The Barcelona cybersecurity conference has come away with a stark conclusion – for now, we’re losing. With the latest data showing a sharp uptick in sophisticated cloud attacks, the number and sophistication of attacks is rapidly escalating. It is for most organizations not a question of if they will be targeted, but rather when.

As a consequence, it is more important than ever to ensure you are prepared for the worst. Migrating to the Cloud as a solution for cutting costs may have worked, but it needs to be accompanied with a look to your archives, your backups, and what else in your disaster recovery plan needs to adjust.


Archive Smarter with TECH-ARROW

by Matúš Koronthály