contentACCESS Backup for Microsoft 365 is here!

We at TECH-ARROW are proud to give you access to our newest product – contentACCESS Backup for Microsoft 365 is released now, along with contentACCESS 7.0!

Why backup?

As explained thoroughly in this article by Microsoft themselves, backup systems:

  1. Prevent data loss
  2. Ensure efficient recovery in case of accidental deletion or device damage
  3. Minimize business disruption
  4. Protect intellectual property
  5. Have peace of mind knowing your important files are secure

A backup is a short-term copy of your critical files, systems and configurations which is regularly renewed and refreshed. This ensures that any time there is an interruption, data corruption, overwrite, or other issue an untouched copy of the data from a past state exists and can be rolled back to.

This is a key aspect of business continuity, providing a relatively simple but critical way for companies to buttress their security and their recovery plans. As a quick-and-easy solution for some ransomware attacks, corrupted or poorly performing patches or updates, backups are an indispensable part of your security posture. Lacking a backup can greatly complicate recovery from an incident, as can be seen in the ongoing process surrounding the Slovak land registry.

Backups are also moving towards becoming a required feature of businesses’ systems, thanks to security-focused regulations like the EU NIS2. These regulations make backups a requirement for some organizations in EU states as part of a larger movement towards improving overall cybersecurity levels, especially for critical sectors.

How is this different from contentACCESS Archive?

Our contentACCESS Backup for Microsoft 365 provides a simpler, easier to manage and less resource intensive option for businesses looking for a simple backup without the long-term retention or eDiscovery features of an archive.


The difference between a backup and archive, as seen in the infographic above, is in their intent as well as the technological approach to how one achieves this. An archive is geared towards discoverability, long term storage, and legal compliance, while backups are more focused on recent and relevant data.

If the focus is entirely on keeping short-term data for purposes of security, backups are a more economical approach that trades the more comprehensive tools offered by an archive for the cheaper, simpler backup option.


Our new contentACCESS Backup allows us to better cater to our customers by providing them options tailored to what they are specifically looking for, whether that be a pure and simple backup for security and preventing data loss or a comprehensive archive offering compliance options and long-term retention.

To aid in this, our backup offers:

  1. A unitary backup for all your Microsoft 365 business data
  2. Just-in-time backup options for guaranteed capture
  3. One-click restore
  4. Easy implementation of the 3-2-1 backup rule

In addition, with Backup+ we offer the same end-user access possibilities as offered by our contentACCESS Archive, allowing you to more flexibly work with backed up files and potentially do without full restores of legacy files.

contentACCESS Backup is now available! If you would like to learn more about our products or start leveraging the possibilities they present, contact us! Our team will be more than happy to schedule a consultation with you and discuss how our systems can meet your needs.


Your Data In Your Hands – With TECH-ARROW

by Matúš Koronthály