Why Microsoft 365 users are not relying on Default Email Protection alone

We have been informing you tirelessly about protecting your data these months, as articles and cases are rising in light speed, where email servers and corporate data become the target of new attackers. It was only a matter of time for many companies before they became the victim of the attack. Even among our clients, some carry this experience with them from the past. They are no longer asking why is it necessary to protect companies’ data with more than the default email protection, why they need to archive content, and why is it important to ensure its availability even in case of a threat. Sadly, not every story has a happy ending, and the damages can be larger than we think.

by Lucia Barancikova | 4 min read

Microsoft 365 (Office365) already has more than 300 million users and its sales are still growing. Our archive solution contentACCESS is integrated into the MS environment. The clients appreciate not only the feeling of security but their new and efficient work balance with live and archived data, too. To work with the feeling of security seems so obvious to us. But don’t let anything or anyone surprise you. It doesn’t matter if your company is small or big: the value of your know-how, your information, on which experience we build the future, is incalculable for everyone. Learn about the contentACCESS secure archiving solution. We will guide you through all the possibilities our archive provides. Don’t wait until you become a target of cyberattacks, be prepared and safe with your data.

Source: Why Microsoft 365 Users Are Moving Away from Relying on Default Email Protection Alone


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