GDPR – Search in mails, files and databases

Everyone is talking about GDPR, making assessments, but do you have the right tools for it? Can you search mails, files and databases to fulfil legal eDiscovery requirements?

contentACCESS is helping companies with reaching GDPR compliance in a simple, but great way. contentACCESS enables companies to full-text index all relevant data repositories and have federated full-text search across company data.

The following essential IT-systems are supported for data mapping:

  • Microsoft 365
  • Microsoft Exchange servers
  • Microsoft SharePoint servers
  • File servers
  • User workstations
  • Applications/databases. Any application using an SQL database can be mapped and made searchable by contentACCESS.

The GDPR feature set of contentACCESS gives you the power to manage data in your organization. Finding relevant information in all internally used systems quickly becomes a trivial thing to do, across mails, files, databases or any other data repositories.

Make sure you’re on track to meet the 2018 deadline!
Check out how contentACCESS can help you to be GDPR compliant.