
Time is running out for Microsoft Remote PowerShell

Starting in about a month, time is running out for Microsoft Remote PowerShell. As we previously wrote in our article some time ago, Microsoft RPS will be depreciated soon. Based on their schedule as linked here, those who do not specifically request an extension will have their RPS connections blocked over the course of May […]
by Matúš Koronthály

Cyberattack on Micro-Star International

Ransomware and cyberattacks continue to grow according to earlier projections. A new group has announced its presence by launching a cyberattack and demanding $4m as ransom from...
by Matúš Koronthály

5 reasons to migrate from Veritas Enterprise Vault

Enterprise Vault from Veritas has been around in various iterations for two decades. For a time it took a preeminent position on the archiving market. Since then, however, the...
by Matúš Koronthály

A Q1 2023 cybersecurity update

With the first quarter of the year drawing towards an end, it’s a good time to look at the online security situation so far, compare it with predictions from the end of last...
by Matúš Koronthály

Why You Should Consider Migrating from Dell SourceOne

Dell EMC SourceOne is reaching its end of life (EOL) date; Dell has tentatively placed the End of Support Service (EOSS) date at December 2024, which places a hard deadline on...
by Matúš Koronthály

Microsoft Exchange rolls out improved Message Recall

As announced in their roadmap as early as October 2022, Microsoft has begun to roll out an improved Message Recall function for Exchange. Message Recall is an old feature that has...
by Matúš Koronthály

New Mac Pro with M2 Ultra Chip coming from Apple

This quarter has started relatively slowly for Apple, but this promises to change as there is a rumored new M2 Ultra Chip processor Mac on the horizon. According to...
by Matúš Koronthály

Microsoft suffers worldwide interruption of service

Last week, Microsoft suffered an interruption of service across a variety of services and platforms. This included many of their most well-known and widely-used services and...
by Matúš Koronthály

Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 reaches end-of-support

Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 has had a long career which is now coming to an end, as Microsoft has announced the final extended end-of-support (EOS) date on April 11, 2023, in...
by Matúš Koronthály

A new cybersecurity threat to businesses

The cybersecurity world has seen severe shocks in the past years, including the introduction of Ransomware as a Service and general increase in threat complexity. This trend shows...
by Matúš Koronthály

Ransomware numbers soar as 2022 comes to a close

As the year wraps up, companies begin to take a retrospective on the past months and data is slowly starting to be released. Among the emerging finds is the not-unexpected reality...
by Matúš Koronthály

Archive or Backup – which is right for your company?

Should your company use an archive or backup? Both systems both occupy similar roles. They ensure data security for your company, giving you a layer of protection guaranteeing...
by Matúš Koronthály