
How does Email Archive Migration work?

Previously we covered the possible reasons to migrate your email archives. But how does email archive migration work as a process, what requirements are there for a company to make the process go smoothly, and what are the possible end states or outcomes that you can aim for? Data migration is complex, but is also […]
by Matúš Koronthály

Why migrate your company’s email archives?

As we have covered previously on this blog, there comes a point when legacy solutions used to secure company data in an archive reach the end of their service life. Older archives...
by Matúš Koronthály

Recent Trends in Cybersecurity

Forbes released an article looking at recent trends in cybersecurity this summer – both in terms of threats, opportunities, and reactions to threats. After a several year long...
by Matúš Koronthály

Cyberattack on Uber

Late Thursday of last week, another major company had their systems compromised, this time by a hacktivist cyberattack on Uber. The attackers gained access to critical systems by...
by Matúš Koronthály

Cyberattack on Lincoln University

Ransomware continues to ramp up and escalate as one of the major areas of concern for enterprises and businesses worldwide. It is also one of the fastest developing avenues of...
by Matúš Koronthály

Preparing your Disaster Recovery strategy

As businesses continue to digitize to a greater degree, so-called disaster recovery plans rise in importance where maintaining business continuity is concerned. Disaster recovery...
by Matúš Koronthály