
Cyberattack on Lincoln University

Ransomware continues to ramp up and escalate as one of the major areas of concern for enterprises and businesses worldwide. It is also one of the fastest developing avenues of...
by Matúš Koronthály

Preparing your Disaster Recovery strategy

As businesses continue to digitize to a greater degree, so-called disaster recovery plans rise in importance where maintaining business continuity is concerned. Disaster recovery...
by Matúš Koronthály

Disadvantages and benefits of Cloud-based archiving

Despite major advances in Cloud technologies and the Cloud rapidly becoming an almost magical word in the IT community, other industries have been more hesitant of taking...
by Matúš Koronthály

GDPR – what does it mean for your business

The General Data Protection Regulation (referred to as GDPR from here on) came into effect four years ago now in the European Union. As discussed at some length in this Privacy...
by Matúš Koronthály

Cybersecurity news and developments with TECH-ARROW

As TECH-ARROW continues to work on improving our products, services and solutions with an eye towards maintaining the safety and security of our customer’s data, part of the...
by Matúš Koronthály