
Cloud Failure: Only 29 Percent of SMBs Back Up SaaS Data

While 90 percent of SMBs back up their servers, only 29 percent back up their SaaS application data, according to a recent Kaseya survey of more than 400 SMBs with up to 5,000 employees worldwide. Unfortunately, that’s the same percentage as in Kaseya’s 2018 survey. “There continues to be a lack of understanding that SaaS […]
by Lucia Barancikova

How to Prevent Microsoft 365 Account Lockouts

Microsoft 365 lockouts are a major employee productivity issue – here are tips and tricks to stop account lockouts. Active Directory account lockouts caused by brute force...
by Lucia Barancikova

Top 7 benefits of Sharepoint for your business

The benefits of SharePoint are endless. Here are the top 7 reasons why you should use SharePoint for your business. The results of a recent study found that businesses that...
by Lucia Barancikova

The Basic Tasks For A Solid Disaster Recovery Plan

There are two critical components of all disaster recovery (DR) plans: backup and recovery. Backup lays the foundation of all DR plans and the recovery aspect determines how...
by Lucia Barancikova

Is Exchange Online Threatened by Ransomware?

The question of whether ransomware could infect and encrypt an Exchange Online mailbox raised by Michael Van Horenbeeck is fair. Although no reports exist of such an infection,...
by Lucia Barancikova

Emerging threats to cloud-based business

Cybercrime hasn’t been stopped by the cloud It’s no secret that collaboration is the bedrock of business. In fact, a Stanford University study demonstrated that merely...
by Lucia Barancikova

Organisations still struggle with GDPR compliance

UK businesses struggle to manage data access requests; many would rather pay breach penalty than beef up data security More than 60 percent of UK businesses have seen a spike in...
by Lucia Barancikova

5 Myths About Email Security Busted

Email is one of the most imperative things for any organisation. Over the years this form of communication has evolved significantly and today, one of the most essential forms of...
by Lucia Barancikova

6 Lessons Learned During a Real-World Azure Migration

Paul Schnackenburg walks through an Azure migration and implementation of public cloud computing for a small business IT infrastructure, and shares what lessons were learned along...
by Lucia Barancikova

Cloud migration: A step-by-step guide

In this guest post, Paul Mercina, director of product management, at datacentre hardware and maintenance provider ParkPlace Technologies offers a step-by-step guide about how,...
by Lucia Barancikova

Microsoft warns of a new WannaCry – be prepared!

Request a demo now! Microsoft released fixes for a critical Remote Code Execution vulnerability, CVE-2019-0708, in Remote Desktop Services – formerly known as Terminal Services...
by Lucia Barancikova