For the list of all release notes click here.
The following list will give a quick overview about the newest improvements that contentACCESS version 3.0 brings to you:
contentACCESS is now available as a cloud solution. TECH-ARROW is proud to announce the, the next generation of archiving for all your document sources. Access your data anywhere, and any time! Use the scalability and reliability of our cloud solution and choose the services according to your needs.
With mycompanyarchive, you can build a single, secure, and well-structured archive.
Common features
✓ Redesigned login page + Microsoft authentication: contentACCESS 3.0 has a redesigned login page with support for your Microsoft account (Azure, LiveID, Microsoft 365).
✓ Azure store: The list of supported storage systems has been extended with the MS Azure store.

✓ Online documentation: The documentation for contentACCESS is now online with an easy search possibility. It is also connected with the contentACCESS Central Administration, you can get context-related help any time when you click the “Online help” button in the right lower corner of a page. Check it out here
✓ Better tenant management: In Central Administration it is possible to set limits for the tenants. This is useful in multi-tenant environments where the license limits are managed by the system administrator via Central Administration.

Email Archive
✓ Shortcut synchronization job: The shortcut synchronization job keeps the live emails in sync with the archive. As mails and shortcuts are reorganized in the mailboxes, the shortcut synchronization job updates the structure saved in the archive according to the new structure. Of course, old versions are preserved if required.

✓ Moving mailboxes between locations (databases and stores) is now supported in OEM versions: With contentACCESS 3.0 also the OEM versions are supporting the “Mailbox move” feature. This feature allows to organize the mailboxes between multiple email archive databases.
✓ Import mailboxes manually: Ever wondered how to add mailboxes which are no longer available to email archive? Using this new feature it is not necessary to create a physical mailbox, there is a possibility to import the mailbox information from CSV or XML files.

✓ Exchange 2016 support: contentACCESS 3.0 officially supports Exchange 2016.
✓ Proxy support: The contentACCESS setup now allows entering the connection details for a web proxy server, in case this is needed for connecting to the Internet and activating the license key online.

✓ Mailbox deactivation: Using this feature it is possible to deactivate no longer used mailboxes, keeping the licenses under control. Deactivated mailboxes do not count when the license is evaluated. The limitations for such mailboxes: it is not possible to archive/restore/move/synchronize a deactivated mailbox, however the archived content of the mailbox is accessible via contentWEB and officeGATE. Please note that once you have reached the limit, the system will not allow the archival of any new mailboxes.
Client Applications / Tools
✓ Configurable Mail App: The functionality of the contentACCESS Mail App can be configured by the administrator – it is possible to allow or deny the “archive” and “restore” functions. If you want to disable manual archiving in your organization but still allow to restore shortcuts, simply change the Mail App configuration in the Central Administration.

✓ contentWEB performance optimization: The data visualization performance of contentWEB was optimized, especially for huge folder structures.
✓ Documentation – Please check the updated documentation and manuals.